What are cookies and what they do

A cookie is a small text file that a website visited by the user sends to the user terminal (computer, mobile device such as smartphone or tablet) where it is stored and then retransmitted to the website on a subsequent visit to that same site. Cookies are distinguished from each other:

  • Depending on the entity that installs them on the user’s terminal, depending on whether it is the same operator of the site that the user is visiting (c.d. “first party cookies”) or a different website, which installs cookies via the first site (c.d. “third party cookies”);
  • according to the purpose of each cookie: some cookies allow the website that has installed them to remember, for example, the preferences expressed by the user during browsing or make a purchase or perform authentication to access restricted areas (c.d. “technical cookies”);
  • other cookies allow the site that has installed them to monitor the user’s browsing also for the purpose of sending advertising and/ or offer services in line with the preferences expressed by the user during browsing on the network (c.d. “profiling cookie”). Only profiling cookies require prior consent from the user to their use.

Through the Sites, first-party and third-party technical cookies and profiling cookies and/or other first-party and third-party markers are installed, as described in the tables below.

How to express consent to profiling cookies

When you first visit the Websites, you can accept all cookies by performing one of the following actions:

  • closing the banner by clicking on the X or “OK” in the banner itself, or
  • accessing another area of the site or clicking on any element of the page (image or link) outside the banner; or
  • Scrolling the page.

On the occasion of your first visit to the Sites, if you do not perform any of the actions described in the banner but, from the banner, access the extended information, you can:

  • Deny consent to the installation of cookies by clicking on the appropriate link in the tables at the bottom of the description of each cookie (called “Opt-Out”);

On subsequent visits to the Sites (provided that the user has previously expressed his preference about the use of cookies, as indicated in points 1 and 2 above), accessing the information extended through the “cookie policy” link present in the footer of each page of the Sites and denying consent to cookies by clicking on the appropriate link in the tables at the bottom of the description of each cookie (called “Opt-Out”).

In any case, through the settings of your browser. The User can: (i) manage the preferences related to cookies directly within his browser, preventing its installation; (ii) delete from their browser the already installed cookies, including the cookie in which the consent has been saved, possibly provided by the User, to the installation of cookies by the Sites. You can find information on how to manage cookies through their browser at the following addresses: Google ChromeMozilla FirefoxApple Safari and Microsoft Windows Explorer.

For behavioral advertising cookies, the User may also set their own preferences through the Your Online Choices website (the system operates with reference to the participating companies that use cookies for behavioral advertising).


This site uses cookies, including third-party cookies, to improve the browsing experience and allow those who browse to use our online services and display advertising in line with your preferences. The cookies used on this site fall into the categories described below.
At any time you can disable cookies on your browser; remember that this option may limit many of the site’s browsing features.


  • If you are using Internet Explorer
    In Internet Explorer, fare clic su “Strumenti” poi “Opzioni Internet”. Nella scheda Privacy, spostare il cursore verso l’alto per bloccare tutti i cookie o verso il basso per consentire a tutti i cookie, e quindi fare clic su OK.
  • If you are using Firefox browser
    Go to the “Tools” menu of your browser and select the “Options” menu Click on the “Privacy” tab, uncheck the “Accept cookies” box and click OK.
  • If you use the Safari browser
    In the voting Browser, select the “Edit” menu and select “Preferences”. Click on “Privacy”. Place the setting cookies Block on “always “and click OK.
  • If you are using the Google Chrome browser
    Click the Chrome menu in the browser toolbar. Select “Settings”. Click “Show advanced settings”. In the “Privacy” section, click on the “Content settings” button. In the “Cookies” section, select “Do not allow sites to store data” and control “third-party cookies and block site data”, and then click OK.

If you use any other browser, search in the browser settings for how to manage cookies. or visit this site.


Cookies are small text files that are automatically placed on the browser’s PC within the browser. They contain basic information about browsing the Internet and are recognized by your browser each time you visit the site.


    • Activities strictly necessary for operation
      These cookies are technical in nature and allow the site to function properly. For example, they keep you logged in while you browse, so the site does not require you to log in multiple times to access subsequent pages.
    • Preference saving activities
      These cookies allow us to remember the preferences selected by the user during navigation, for example, they allow you to set the language.
    • Statistics and Audience Measurement Activities
      These cookies help us to understand, through data collected in an anonymous and aggregated form, how users interact with our websites by providing information about the sections visited, the time spent on the site, any malfunctions. This helps us improve the performance of our websites.
    Also by accessing the page http://www.youronlinechoices.com/it/le-tue-scelte you can inform yourself about behavioral advertising as well as disable or enable the companies listed and working with website operators to collect and use information useful for the enjoyment of advertising.
    We use various providers that may in turn install cookies for the proper functioning of the services they are providing. If you would like to have information about these third-party cookies and how to disable them, please access the links in the tables below.

Technical cookies for the proper functioning of third-party services

These cookies allow us to monitor the performance of the site. Below is the list of services used and links to the respective privacy policy pages.

  • Google Maps – Virtual Tour: web component – Strictly necessary technical cookie
    (name of the cookie: khcookie) – privacy policy

Statistical and Audience Measurement Cookies of third parties

These cookies (third party web services) provide anonymous/aggregated information about how visitors navigate the site. Below are the links to their respective privacy policy pages

  • Google
    Google Analytics: system of statistics – analytical cookies – privacy policy
  • Adobe
    Adobe Analytics: system of statistics- Analytical cookies – privacy policy
  • Google
    Conversion count adword campaigns – Conversion Cookies – privacy policy

Profiling and social media sharing cookies

These third-party cookies are used to integrate some popular social media features and provide them within the site. In particular they allow registration and authentication on the site via facebook and google connect, sharing and commenting pages of the site on social networks, enable the “like” features on Facebook and “+1 on G+.

Below are the links to their respective privacy policy pages.

For more information on cookies:


You have the right to access your personal data, to get it updated or corrected if the data is incorrect and to delete it. These rights are exercised through your own configuration of the web page.

For your convenience, we reproduce below the text of art. 7, D. Lgs. n. 196/2003 concerning your rights.

Art. 7 – Legislative Decree n. 196/2003

Right of access to personal data and other rights

1. The data subject has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of personal data concerning him, even if not yet recorded, and their communication in an intelligible form.
2. The data subject has the right to obtain information on:
a) the origin of personal data;
b) the purposes and methods of processing;
c) the logic applied in case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic instruments;
d) the identification details of the holder, the persons responsible and the representative designated pursuant to Article 5, paragraph 2;
e) the subjects or categories of subjects to whom personal data may be communicated or who may come to know it as a designated representative in the territory of the State, responsible for or appointed.
3. The person concerned shall be entitled to obtain:
a) updating, rectification or, where relevant, integration of data;
b) the deletion, anonymisation or blocking of data processed in breach of law, including those which do not require storage in connection with the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
c) a statement that the operations referred to in points a) and b) have been made known, including as regards their content, by those to whom the data were communicated or disseminated, except where such fulfilment proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the right protected.
4. The data subject has the right to object, in whole or in part:
a) for legitimate reasons to process personal data concerning him, even if relevant to the purpose of collection;
b) the processing of personal data concerning him for the purpose of sending advertising or direct sales material or for the performance of market research or commercial communication.

At any time the user can exercise the rights indicated above by contacting the Data Controller, sending an explicit request through the contact form on the site.

Requests will be examined as soon as possible and will be answered without delay, as required by law.


Gabriele Marcozzi

Indirizzo email del Titolare: info@pastificiostrampelli.it


Regarding the information collected by cookies installed directly from the Site, Strampelli Srl, as data controller, specifies the following:

  • the data are collected only for the purposes and for the duration indicated in the tables above and are processed using computer-based methods;
  • With regard to the “technical” cookies, as indicated above, the use of these cookies does not require prior consent from the user since they are necessary cookies to allow navigation within the Site and the correct functioning of the Site. In case of removal of technical cookies through the browser settings, browsing within the Sites may not be possible, in whole or in part;
  • the data collected by first party cookies may be communicated to subjects acting on behalf of Strampelli Srl as controllers or processors, for purposes related to those described above. With respect to such data, the user is reminded that he can exercise the rights provided for in art. 7 of the Privacy Code, as described in the Information on the processing of personal data available by selecting the link “Privacy Policy” present in the footer of each page of the Site.

Finally, with reference to third-party cookies, it is recalled that the purposes of these cookies, the logic underlying the related processing and the management of user preferences regarding the same cookies are not determined and/ or verified by this online space, the third party that provides them, as a supplier and data controller, as indicated in the table above. However, regardless of whether this online space believes that the user has validly expressed his consent to the installation of cookies, also of third parties, this online space is committed to providing support to the user who requests it – at the contact information indicated – about how to exercise their consent/ selective refusal or delete cookies from your browser.


Personal Data (or Data)

Personal data is any information relating to a natural person, identified or identifiable, even indirectly, by reference to any other information, including a personal identification number.

Data of use

Personal data collected automatically through the Sites, including: IP addresses or domain names of computers used by the User connecting to the Sites, addresses in notation URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), time of request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (good purpose, error, etc.) the country of origin, the characteristics of the browser and operating system used by the visitor, the various time connotations of the visit (for example the length of time spent on each page) and details of the itinerary followed within the Site, with particular reference to the sequence of pages consulted, parameters related to the operating system and computer environment of the User.


The natural person who navigates on the Sites.

Interested party

The User to whom the Personal Data relates.